Women Always Rule at Glitch!

Over the last week, I asked the ladies of our community to show me what they have been making on Glitch, and the response has been — as I anticipated — outstanding. From first-time bots with a political message to a progression of learning how to make art with code, women are expressing themselves with code in awesome ways, and it’s an honor to have them doing it on Glitch.
Take a look for yourself!

Gemma Lynn has taken spouse-trolling to the next level by building this Hacker News search app for her linguistics professor husband. Remix the app and update with your own subject of choice to see how the orange website has declared itself an authority on your favorite discipline!
One of the hardest problems in computer science is being bored and not knowing what to do. Fortunately, Jackie Luo built What To Do Bot on Glitch to fix that. “[It] pulls from an Airtable [database] I have to give people ideas for what to do in San Francisco!” If you’re like me and not in San Francisco, you can remix the app and connect it to your own Airtable database of ideas!

I think that one of the best kinds of bots is one that tries to make the workplace inclusive and comfortable for everyone, and Taylor Barnett’s Guys Bot does just that by reminding those in a GitHub organization to work on the bad habit of using male terms as generics. Keeping in line with its mission of “making language on GitHub more inclusive one bot at a time,” you can remix and customize it for your organization’s needs!
Omayeli Arenyeka’s first bot ever, @mypresidentis, is powered by Glitch and tweets who her president is based on a crowd-sourced spreadsheet of peoples, places and things. Follow the bot and also remix your own.
Another project of Omayeli’s that I love is her html-to-canvas app which renders HTML elements onto a canvas element so you can create screenshots of anything on a web page. I’d bookmark her Glitch profile if I were you, because she’s continually making some really cool and various apps.

Clara Beyer’s color analyser app is one of the earlier “a-ha” moments I’ve had about what was possible with Glitch when I started working here. It also panders to my love of pixel art and colors — upload your own art to see an analysis of its color palette!
If you need your own color analyser defaults, you can remix Clara’s and have something running in seconds!

I’m a huge fan of how Vanessa Yuen built a cute guessing game out of Noun Project icons. It’s a hard game — iconography is a huge form of expression on the Web these days and so there are so many icons to decipher!

Noah Leigh has been making some awesome generators on Glitch, a bunch of them leading to this incredible animated pixel gradient app. Apps that generate things like gifs are a great starting point for creative expression, and Noah’s using Glitch for that journey has been an honor to witness.

Kelly Lougheed made this rad Magic 8-ball which, as you can see above, has never been incorrect. Amazing. And since it’s on Glitch, you can view the source and remix it to add your own Magic 8-ball responses.
I want to thank all the women here who reached out to show me their awesome work and grant permission to showcase them here. Even when it’s not International Women’s Day, women are creating incredible stuff on Glitch for you and I to use and remix, and that rules! 🙋♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏼♀️🙋🏽♀️🙋🏾♀️🙋🏿♀️