By Jenn Turner

March 20, 2025

Winter 2025 on Glitch: Little of this, little of that

It finally feels like a cloud has lifted, but I couldn’t tell you why. Where I live it feels like someone is controlling the weather by switching from winter and snow to summer and wind or, like last week, tornado storms and sideways rains. (I’m serious, we had a tornado warning and a power blackout on Friday, and then it snowed Saturday night). Maybe I’m writing this to you from the simulation inside a weird remix of a weather app on Glitch. That would make the most sense to me right now, and explain a lot of other things too.

In case you missed it, we shared the winners of Last Year on Glitch 2024 by debuting… you guessed it, a Glitch app: ~lyog. Created by Ally Palanzi, it’s also a cute and remixable template for a website with a little of this and little of that. Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks for sharing your creations with us.

After a long winter, Anil kicked off this month with a blog post that also includes a little of this (Glitch lore) and a little of that (sprinkle of exposition) and you can read all about it in Do you remember why we named this thing Glitch?

Please enjoy the following projects created across the web this past winter who all found a home on ✨

A Winter Wonderland of Apps ☃️ #

Enjoying the header image on this post? Unique bathhouse tile designs courtesy of ~bathhouse-tiles, created by @alexandra24843 and what you can’t see here is that you flip blank tiles to reveal the design below!

Make your gnarliest underground typography dreams come true, created by @tfcasavant.

~pubsub-test created by @jkarneges96200 enables you to try out pushing messages with Fastly Pub/Sub and you can read all about that on

~fullsoak, created by @Jude is a remixable Glitch implementation of the Fullsoak demo, running in Deno, check it out!

~wall-of-sounds by @sumday has something for everyone. My favorite? Sound number seventeen, obviously.

Created by @abhinav29799, this app helped us welcome 2025 with a VR Year of the Snake scene! 🐍

~25cities by @mapsmania asks a simple question, “How well do you know the United States?”

~astrolapse, created by @nisikazu lets you easily transform your images into a smooth MP4 timelapse video.

We’re well past this, but if you love data, birds, and sending sentimental greetings to loved ones in mid-February, maybe bookmark this app? Another pitch perfect creation from @blprnt.

~steel-stitch-plant by @gloomglimmer was pretty popular on Tumblr last month too, which makes sense because it’s a prompt generator for romantic scenes.

~careful-magic-larch is actually the exact name I would use for an app that reminds you of your friends’ birthdays. Or FriendFolio, sure. Either way, well done @Ayessaaa, awesome idea!

Friends with Blogs 🐝 🪵 #

Please enjoy the global cat scream counter responsibly; get the behind the scenes play by play here.

Late last year, Rick Viscomi took on the “yield in a loop” problem, creating ~loop-yields to demonstrate “Breaking up with long tasks or: how I learned to group loops and wield the yield,” which should have, at the very least, won some kind of headline or title award.

~flick-the-web demonstrate a "new" type of UX for websites – the flick gesture you use to doomscroll content on video platforms, but for websites. It was inspired by WikiTok, which Paul talks about on his blog.

Miscellaneous but necessary!! 👽 #

Pick three toppings and discover your ranking in the world pizza contest, created by @c.pocock178.

~guitarinvaders by @gonzamvel is a cool game that secretly (or not, lol) teaches you guitar playing by making learning the notes fun.

~stumbleupon-sandwiches created by @jcsalterego is exactly what it sounds like, “StumbleUpon“ but for sandwiches. 🥪

Fans of the AppleTV+ smash hit Severance, will definitely recognize this macrodata refinement simulator. See the original app at

~pastaroulette by @pastarankingapp2025 lets you vote on your favorite pasta types in a head-to-head format!

Choose your own adventure in ~spacewarfare by @0-harshit-0 and opt to play on easy, medium, or hard mode!

Last, but not least, there’s a new version of ~subdue-them out now and it’s EVEN HARDER than the original. Thank you @wh0, you diabolical mathematician. 🫡

Connect with Glitch 👋 #

Also, if you haven’t yet, follow us across the open social web 🌐

If you’re sharing your project on the web, use the hashtag #MadeWithGlitch so we can find it. As always, you can send your projects and playlists to us via the community forum, or email [email protected]—we’d love to see your work in our next roundup!

What do you mean you haven’t seen the World’s Second Best Website Ever? #

Now you have. ✅