By Glitch Team

April 23, 2021

Top 30 ways companies are using Glitch

There are at least a million ways you can use Glitch, and here are 30 ways we’ve seen your favorite companies, communities, and organizations build with Glitch.

When we set out to create a way to enable people to get their cool idea spun into internet reality in a matter of seconds, there was no way to predict how folks would take Glitch and make it their own. While we try to keep the Glitch community updated on all of the amazing apps we come across, we also want to share a broader glimpse into who is embracing Glitch and how.

Some apps you’ll recognize, others might surprise you

The team behind everyone’s favorite workplace communication hub, Slack has been using Glitch for quite a while. From a place to spin up quick demos, to a portal for multiple workshop materials, to sample starters for their framework Bolt, the Slack team has embraced the many uses of Glitch. They aren’t alone—in fact, another popular communication application you might have heard of ~~[Twitter]( famously built a demo of their API late last year on Glitch. One of their UI engineers liked Glitch so much that they used it to build an Eleventy site.

Speaking of visualization, John Keefe of the New York Times wrote about his work in visualizing COVID-19 cases in Congress and shared the above demo on Glitch of the final results.

Teams from Postman, Microsoft, and Vonage also used Glitch to host internal resources like this self-service learning platform Postman launched using Glitch as the backends of their API training workspace, which is a self-serve learning platform they just launched! Tomomi Imura at Microsoft created a tutorial series on developing for Microsoft Teams using Glitch throughout for the coding exercises.

Dwane Hemmings from the Communications API folks at Vonage posted a tutorial on using Web Components in a React app on Glitch, as part of a series and Garann Means has been posting cool videos showing how to get set up on Glitch to build with the Vonage API.

Using a browser to read this? Count their teams as fans, too

By giving developers the tools to easily set up a demo, Glitch has enabled the teams behind some of your favorite browsers to make them even better! Google Chrome used Glitch to show a demo of the web serial API during the Chrome 89 release, and shared many similar apps during 2020’s Google Chrome Dev Summit. In Mozilla’s MDN Web Docs, they point to Glitch as a way to test out the  Element.requestFullscreen()function—or remix it!

As recently as earlier this month Microsoft pointed users to try out the new CORS error reports with ~cors-errors in their latest doc on what's new in Edge DevTools. When it comes to standards work, we joined DuckDuckGo and many other major industry leaders in the call for a Global Privacy Control standard and implemented it in their suite of privacy browsers, which you can test at ~global-privacy-control.

You too can use Glitch to try out or test new browser capabilities, just like the teams behind the browsers themselves do.

Empowering developers with tutorials, tools, and documentation

Browser teams are not the only ones who have caught on to the powerful set of tools Glitch provides software teams. Three use cases we frequently see hosted on Glitch are hands-on tutorials, developer tooling, and approachable documentation.

As we recently shared, the AMP team used Glitch over the pandemic to create and share their series of online workshops with beginners. Speaking of beginners, we created Glitch with them in mind, not only to help folks get a site started in seconds but by introducing the rewind feature to help beginners and professionals alike, take a step back when they need to. Evelyn from Canada Learning Code wrote this great post about her journey of learning how to code and building her first site on Glitch. Here’s a Twitter thread we love of Corin Faife of talking about using Glitch to teach his coworkers an intro to HTML workshop and how they now have their own personal sites!

Tammy Butow of Gremlin created this cool coding workshop using Glitch for GirlGeekAcademy’s She Hacks hackathon. This tutorial on making custom bullet points using CSS from Google is a fantastic example of how Glitch can transform the average tutorial into a hands-on experience.

~pouchdb-bug-helper makes it easier for developers to create reproducible bug reports for PouchDB.

One of the most popular uses of Glitch we see out in the wild has to be for demos and dev tools. The PouchDB team created ~pouchdb-bug-helper to enhance the bug reporting experience for their users by making it easier for them to submit reproducible test cases. It’s linked directly in their repo README and is one of several ways maintainers can get great use out of Glitch! Team STEP is an indie collective of game developers, musicians, 3d artists, and illustrators, and one of its members built this CLI tool for pushing local files to Glitch. Their README is pretty thorough and they wrote their reasoning behind it on the forum.

Jenny Brennan of the Ada Lovelace Institute built this tool ~hashflag for testing out hashflags (those emoji in Twitter hashtags) to use when they were designing the #AdaLovelaceDay hashflag. Read more about the tool and the cool process on Jenny’s blog. The Tableau team also put together this demo showcasing how to create a Web Data Connector from start to finish. Keisha, the dev in the video, won Tableau’s internal hackathon using Glitch earlier this year!

There are so many intriguing and innovative Glitch sites and apps that inspire surprise and delight that listing them all in one place would take away from the time you could spend exploring and tinkering with them. But don’t take our word for it, check out the gallery where the Glitch community shares their works of art! Or, better yet, try Glitch for yourself. And if you're working with a larger team, or need custom billing or priority support, we've got you. Contact us for pricing.