Game and Watch
Can You Believe These Food Trends? π²π #
I consider myself a pretty adventurous eater, but some of the latest culinary crazes are a bit hard to swallow. Forget cronuts and ramen burgers -- gastronomical creations like seven pound pizza burritos and soft shell crabs fried in hot Cheetos can quickly go from interesting to Instagrammable.
UX engineer and Glitch user Aaron Z. Best (@AaronZBest) created an app called FoodHype that cashes in on these fads with "auto-generated food trend journalism at your fingertips!" While all of these headlines are fake, they're not that far from the truth. Sprout ice cream, anyone?
Spider-Man: Save The People! π·οΈπ± #
The latest Spider-Man game on PlayStation 4 takes the wall-crawling web slinger's adventures to a whole new level. But guess what -- you can play a Spider-Man game right here on Glitch too!
High school student and Glitch user Christian Cromer (@ChristianCromer) created a full-featured tower defense style game using p5js! Protect the citizens from hordes of black widow spiders and save the day! Face front, true believers!

Think Inside The Box π¦π¦ #
Speaking of p5js, educational technologist and Glitch user Erik Nauman (@enauman) uses it to teach the concept of recursion. His app Recursion Boxes gives a visual display of how recursion works with a transparent, rotating set of cubes. It's mesmerizing! π€©
Mondrian On Demand ππΌοΈ #
Piet Mondrian was a Dutch painter most well-known for his grid-based paintings. BogotΓ‘-based educator and Glitch user Fabio CortΓ©s (@fcor) created an app that replicates Mondrian's famous paintings with fantastic accuracy. The app is based on a generative artistry tutorial from, and every time you refresh the page, you'll get a new "painting". Who knew art and code could work so well together?
Codetober Continues ππ©π»βπ» #
Last week, we talked about Inktober, and shared some examples of Glitch users who created their own spin on this by creating a new app each day. Glitch user Monica Dinculescu (@notwaldorf) has kept the momentum going on her Codetober apps, creating whimsical and topical variations on a theme each day. (Also, there's lots of emojis, which is always fun!)
Start from Day 1 to chart Monica's progress, and check out a few of her Codetober apps below!
Featured Illustrator of the Week: Disa Wallander #
The work of Stockholm-based illustrator and cartoonist Disa Wallander is on full display this week on Glitch! Disa combines drawings with photos and other materials to create collages that are both playful and prolific.
You can visit her website to see more of her work, and you can see her take on this week's featured apps below.

Whether you're playing fun games or just watching beautiful art projects, Glitch has something for everyone to see and do. And if any of these apps inspire you, then remix them and customize them to make something that's truly your own. Discover something new today!