By Maurice Cherry

September 21, 2018

Doing It Yourself

Glitch In The News #

Extra extra! Read all about it! XOXO 2018 has come to a close, and we're still giddy off of the reaction of the Art+Code sessions from this year's event. From generative art to renegade GIFs across San Francisco, Art+Code really showed the wonder and magic that still exists out there on the Internet. Check out our recap and learn about how it all went down!

While you're browsing the web, listen to the latest episode of Product Hunt Radio with our CEO, Anil Dash. He talks with guest Allison Esposito and host Ryan Hoover about the early days of the web, what's changed since then, and the challenges with building community online.

Should I or Shouldn't I? #

Every project needs to start somewhere, but often times that first step can be the hardest one to take. If you're stuck in analysis paralysis mode, then Glitch user Jillian Meehan (@jilliangmeehan) has just the app for you. Shouldidoit is a simple yet handy exercise for figuring out whether or not you should do a new project. Apps like this can really help decrease your anxiety around starting something new!

From Light to Dark #

Monica Dinculescu is one of our most prolific creators, and her work embodies that spirit of creation that Glitch is all about. Her app Color Gradient was a way for her to lighten, darken, and blend colors in JavaScript. Remix the app and use whatever colors you like to make your own color gradients!

Make Your Own Spotify Collections #

Spotify's algorithms for making playlists are top notch, but have you ever wanted to make collections out of artists or albums? If so, Spotify's head of engineering (and Glitch user) Josh Blaney has the tool for you. Collections uses Spotify's web API to add artists and albums to collections that live as playlists on your account. Take a look at Spotify's collection page for more Glitch apps!

Prime Factors #

Did you know that 10,000 is just 2 x 5? Or that 1999 is a prime number? In case you didn't, then you can keep those bits of knowledge for your next trivia night. But if you're interested in prime numbers and factorizations, then Glitch user and mathematician Christian Lawson-Perfect (@christianp) made an app that generates a never-ending list of both. As he puts it, "you can't scroll faster than the absolutely most naive algorithm imaginable can keep up with." (I tried, too. The app just keeps going!)

Bongo-Cat #

This really fun Bongo-Cat app from our design engineer Tiffany Tseng (@scientiffic) came about in such a cool way. Earlier in the week during our regular design review, we learned about the bongo cat meme. Tiff mentioned wanting to make an app around this, and a few hours later Bongo-Cat Creator was born. Upload the song of your choice, and use your keyboard to play along with the furry feline!

Tiff's app has already gained some fans, including a few who have remixed bongo cat in some interesting and fun ways!

DIY Course Templates #

Educators across the country are using Glitch to teach the next generation of coders. You may remember Prof. Greg McVerry (@jgmac1106) from our article about how Glitch is used in the classroom. In that article, he talked about creating resources to help educators move into open educational resources, and his Indie Web Course Template is the first step to making that happen. Remix the course template and check out the detailed README for information on how you can customize this for your own course!

You may have noticed the illustrations of Ailsa Johnson on the Glitch homepage this week. The British-born, Tokyo-based illustrator's distinct flat style mixes vibrant colors with slightly rough textures and sharp angles.

Have a look at Ailsa's illustrations for our featured apps, and see more of her work at her website!


Sometimes, the solution to the issue you're having is just right outside of your grasp. Like this quote from Questlove implies, our thoughts are the launchpad from where great ideas take flight. Hopefully these apps inspire you to "do it yourself" and create something awesome!