A Delight for the Senses
Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe! #
Nowadays, we're flooded with prompts online that want your email address. All these subscription services can really add up, but if you can't beat 'em, then why not join 'em?
That's what Glitch user Kristen Cabrera (@kris10cabrera) had in mind when she created Subscribe! Use this nifty generator to get in on the mailbox mania and watch the results roll in! Each click brings you a randomly generated subscription prompt.
(Results and delivery are not guaranteed, of course 😜)
Radio Gender Parity #
Most radio stations often cycle through a playlist of whatever songs are hot at the moment. Maybe you've got Nicki Minaj playing on one station, while another is playing a song from Death Cab for Cutie. But as the hours pass, have you ever thought about how many male artists are being played versus female artists?
That's where Glitch user Corey Dutson (@cdutson) and his app Radio Station Music Gender Analysis Tool comes in. According to Corey, the app is "a combination of techs one could use to scrape a website's playback data in order to assess gender disparity in song distribution." Clever!
Corey has made a remixable version of the app you can use to try out for your favorite radio station. The answers may surprise (and disappoint) you!
Sound and Color #
Some people possess a unique ability to assign sounds to colors called chromesthesia. Certain speech sounds or notes can have unique color pairings. Imagine if whenever you heard a car horn, you thought of the color red, or if the sound of water boiling was blue.
Software researcher, musician, and Glitch user Pablo Samuel Castro (@psc-g) created a fantastic app called jidiji which converts between music and colors, and it's a really cool experiment in musical representation.
Choose a preloaded song or image using the buttons in the app, or upload your own MIDI or image file, and let the magic begin! How does your favorite image sound? And what does your favorite song look like?
Reader View Everywhere! #
If you live in a major metropolitan area, it can be easy to forget how readily available high speed Internet access can be. Because of this, we might not notice just how technically heavy a lot of the Web can be. Visiting a website that takes a second to load on your desktop may load much slower depending on your data connection. Some websites have helped to make this process easier by introducing a low-bandwidth "reader view" version of their website, but it's not a global standard.
That's why this Glitch app from software engineer Ben Kuhn (@benkuhn) is so important. Just enter the URL of your choice, and the app will present a stripped down "reader view" version of the website. Very cool! Even better, he was able to create this app on Glitch in spite of the low-bandwidth he had while coding from a small city in Senegal.
Splatnite? Forttoon? Let's Dance! #
Fortnite is one of the most popular video games out right now, and so is Splatoon! Both games involve teamwork and collaboration, so Glitch user Uve Avanto (@uveavanto) decided to combine the two into this delightful WebVR experience! Watch as Callie and Marie from Splatoon do one of the victory dances from Fortnite!

Like Becky Simpson says in the quote above, the key goal with Glitch is to just get started when it comes to creating. Maybe these apps will help inspire you to make something awesome today. If it does, then let us know what you create!