This Week on Glitch: Taking Action With Your Tech Skills

We don’t even have to read the news to know that there are a lot of huge issues facing society today — we can just wait and the bad news will get pushed to us as alerts on our devices. In a time of so much stress and contentiousness, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
Yet time and again, if we look to those who are actually doing the work of trying to take on society’s most complex problems, they say that they wish they could team up with people who have the knowledge of how to create technology.
This week on Glitch, we’re featuring the tools and technologies that coders can use to be of service to the movements that are working to take direct action in helping people in need, all across society. We’re thrilled that people have used Glitch for activism and organizing, right from the start.

To dig into the new wave of civic tech projects, we’re featuring a new series of interviews, apps and articles all aimed at showing the breadth of what’s possible — from getting the right information to the right people, to building networks of committed community members who’ll organize around the causes they care about.
And once you see what they’re creating, we’re sure you’ll be inspired to remix their work and begin solving problems in your own community, and go on to inspire others in exactly the same way.