This Week on Glitch: Setting Some Rules
Recently, we introduced the ability to add a license or Code of Conduct to your Glitch project with just a click. It’s a great way to show the world that you want others to use your work as inspiration for creating even more amazing stuff.
But open source is as much about process and community as it is about any words in a license. And a Code of Conduct on a software project is meaningless if it isn’t backed up with real, substantive enforcement from someone who’s fluent in the relevant issues.
Whether it’s understanding the differences between various types of open source licenses, or choosing the wording of your Code of Conduct, we’ll be offering guidelines and interviews that will get you up to speed in no time.
We’re also thrilled to announce that we’ve teamed up with CodeNewbies for #CNC2018, the coding challenge that encourages you to meet your coding goal in 2018, whether it’s to *start *coding, code more often, blog more, or get a job as a coder. We’ll be teaming up with CodeNewbies to provide resources and inspiration to help you fulfill your goals.

Whether you call it a resolution, self-improvement, or just “practice makes perfect”, 2018 is all about learning on Glitch, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.