By Maurice Cherry

June 29, 2018

One In a Million

As we say goodbye to another week on Glitch, let’s take some time to look at some really fun apps we discovered. But first, we’ve got an announcement to make! Drumroll please! 🥁

One Million Projects #

Time flies when you’re having fun, right? Since we launched Glitch, we have seen such an outpouring of love and support from the community. And this week, we celebrated our one millionth project!

And I have to say, it’s so fitting that our one millionth project was by a freeCodeCamp student learning how to use Node.js. Their hands-on approach to teaching coding through practice, combined with the power and flexibility of Glitch is a winning combination to help people of any skill level create something awesome online!

Celebrate in VR #

We love A-Frame because of how simple it makes creating virtual reality experiences. There are lots of examples on Glitch for you to view and remix, and you can create something really amazing without a lot of complicated setup.

Glitch user Ada Rose Cannon (@adarosecannon) made a delightful VR scene to celebrate getting 5000 Twitter followers! Try reloading the app and see how the top lands in a different place each time. Very neat!

Play Around with Music Sequencing #

We’ve featured the work of the talented Monica Dinculescu (@notwaldorf) before, and her latest project is filled with the same playfulness and wit that make her a popular creator on Glitch!

Tenori-off is a music sequencer based on the popular Tenori-on music sequencer by Yamaha, and includes, drums, synth, and a metronome to control the tempo. Monica’s project also includes machine learning which tries to match drums to a synth melody that you create. Clever!

You Get A Dog! And You Get A Dog #

Glitch user Annaia Berry (@jarcane) might be on to something big here:

Dubbed as “a simple application for edifying oneself with the cutest of dogs”, this app is exactly as advertised — pure doggie delight at the push of a button.

But what if you want to see some different dogs? That’s where the Glitch community has your back. Check out the other variations on this app!

Create Your Own RPG Character #

Customizing and creating your own character has been around since the beginning of role-playing games (or RPGs, for short). Sometimes character traits and stats are chosen from a list of preset demographics or by rolling dice (for tabletop games), and part of the fun is seeing what you can make.

Glitch user Matt Walsh (@walsh9) built a way to generate new RPG characters on the fly, including stats, abilities, spells, and even more information. There’s even a randomly created backstory for the character for a little added personality. The app was built as part of PROCJAM, a fun, friendly community of people who like getting computers to make things. And using Glitch to make those things is a win, no matter how you roll the dice!


An Intro to Dynamical Systems #

Dynamical systems illustrate how one state develops into another state over a period of time. It’s used a lot in the fields of biomechanics and cognitive science to study the emergence of patterns of movement and behavior, respectively, but they can be applied in other fields as well.

Mathematician and Glitch user Christian Lawson-Perfect (@christianp) recently built a project in Glitch showing how dynamical systems work, and it uses green and red squares to denote on and off states. There’s also a speed control which varies the toggling of the squares. Try toggling the squares yourself and see how the behavior of the entire system changes!

Answering Stack Overflow Questions Using Glitch #

Converting multiple images into a PDF may be simple if you have a program like Adobe Acrobat, but is there a way to do this using JavaScript (specifically Node.js)?

Gaurav Kandpal wondered how to accomplish this, so he took the question to Stack Overflow. Felix Fong came up with an example using Glitch, and from there, Gaurav was able to edit that into a workable solution! Even if you’re not able to get the right answer immediately, something like this can help get you on the right track to solving your problem.

We hope these examples show you just how powerful and fun it is to create the app of your dreams on Glitch! Do you know any Glitch projects that we should cover? Share them with us! 😄