By Jenn Schiffer

June 18, 2024

Our first step to opening up the new Glitch

Fastly held its first-ever special event last week and I’m still buzzing from the energy of my colleagues, attendees, and all of the exciting announcements. I had the honor of getting to introduce everyone – in person and live on YouTube – to both the friendly, creative Glitch community and one of the biggest upgrades in Glitch’s history: we’ve enabled the ability to share all of your projects with the Glitch community, no matter where you build or host it.

Would you believe that it was only three months ago, when Glitch turned 7, that I told you all that this was part of our plans – that the future of Glitch was discovery?

“We’re thinking a lot about ways we can enable discovery far beyond just the apps made on Glitch. The open web is not about requiring everyone to have to build their cool websites and apps on our platform. Lock-in is not how you build and empower a community.” – me, 3 months ago

So here we are, today, and we’re only just getting started – as are some of you: the first ever external site added since our announcement was by @khalby786, of their personal site My sincere gratitude goes to Khaleel and the rest of the Glitch community for not making the first external site a Rick Roll joke. Congratulations are in order for all of us.

Adding external sites is a preview beta, available right now on to all Glitch Pro subscribers.

Next, we’re focusing on building out the rest of the Glitch preview so it could become Glitch production, as well as iterating on this new external sites feature so we can expand access to more of the community and integrate external sites into other features on the platform, like playlists.

Try it out and let us know what you think – bugs, too. We can’t wait to see what you share and discover on the new Glitch!