One Way to Get Pro-Active with Your Customer Support
Reacting quickly and properly to customer needs is table stakes. It’s no longer enough to simply give your customers a satisfactory experience if you want to maintain customer loyalty. This is because almost half of customers say they’d look to take their business elsewhere immediately if they experienced poor customer service. And only around 4% of dissatisfied customers reach out to a company when they have a problem. This means for every customer who tells you they’re unhappy, you need to keep in mind there’s likely another 24 just like them.
So you need to be able to stop them from needing to reach out to support in the first place, and Manuscript’s Crash Reporting functionality can help you do just that.
Manuscript provides a simple API known as BugzScout, which allows you to send new bugs directly to Manuscript. It’s a great way to automatically report bugs from any of your websites or applications.
For example, for each version of your application that you release you can gather and consolidate data about crashes or even let users send feature requests straight into Manuscript. Reports can include the Project and Area the new case should be created in, so it goes directly to the teams that need to know. And you can include any other information that’d be useful in fixing the issue, like a stack trace, operating environment information, HTTP headers, or other details about what might have caused the error.
BugzScout submissions are consolidated into one case based on the description you set. So after a bug has been created for a particular type of issue, subsequent cases are appended to it. The number of occurrences and last occurrence date and time are shown in the case. This enables you to prioritize the bugs impacting the most users first, and you have an easy way to follow-up with those users by updating a single case.

By having your applications report problems you’re able to spot issues earlier, sometimes before they’ve even impacted a customer. This results in fewer total support requests, so your support team has more time to handle their more involved cases. This is a great benefit as such pro-active customer support doesn’t just lead to improved customer loyalty, but happier employees too.
No-one working in customer support likes to let a customer down. Support staff are happier when they’re able to spend time on meaningful interactions with customers. By staying ahead of customer issues with crash reporting in Manuscript, you can do just that.
Learn more about Manuscript and begin a trial today.