Last Month on Glitch: the March 2021 edition
Happy April! As the saying goes, March went in like a lion and out like a lamb for many of us at Glitch. One thing that hasn't changed is that our community is still building really awesome apps that surprise and inspire. Let's dive into the tools, games, and art you have been building over the past month!
Code is a powerful instrument for building solutions to all sorts of problems, big and small!
- ~blockasaurus is an app by @joesondow that lets you mass-block twitter accounts. Check out our creator interview with Joe where we talk about his work and the NFT movement!
- If you are working at home and miss the chaotic background noise of a busy office or coffee shop, just keep ~hatnote-coffitivity by @elvedin open in a tab. Make sure to leave it open during meetings too!
- The twitter bot, AltTxtReminder, was created by @ckolbeck to help remind folks via direct message if they've posted an image without alt text. You can view the source and remix to set up your own at ~alt-reminder-bot.
- ~cake-icer lets you create messages in the form of cake icing, created by @stegriff. Use it to send a message to your coworkers apologizing for any weird artificial coffeehouse noises that disrupted your stand-up this morning.
*~emojraw by @shannonlin and @bwasti1 is like *a pixel art editor but with emoji. Take a break and have some chill time with these apps, too:
- ~dans-online-snake is a simple multi-user snake game by @dantechguy. It's single-player too and I would be lying if I said that I didn't once have this game open in a window for 20 minutes while I was on hold with a utility company the other day.
- ~evergiven-everywhere, by @garrettdashnelson, lets you get the Evergiven Everywhere ship stuck...everywhere. We've got an interview with Garrett coming soon here, so stay tuned and not stuck in a canal if you can.
- ~squarez is one of many really cool canvas apps that @bengarvey's been creating and sharing. Check out his profile - clicking virtually any app will lead to a brief escape from any mundane moment!
*Whether you're practicing advanced improv or riding the unicycle that your dad once gave to you 8 years ago for reasons still unknown, there's a ~practice-guide for that, thanks to @thricedotted. Here are some other apps that you need to check out!
- March 14th every year is Pi Day. Celebrate belatedly by throwing slices of pizza in a circle with ~pizza-pi by @potch. In This House, We Eat Pizza and Learn Math!
- ~wikipedia-around, by @tomayac, shows you Wikipedia articles from around wherever you're located. Bookmarking this one for when I can start traveling again!
- ~landmarks by @chelsea.l.thompto is a powerful, interactive artwork that "explores facial recognition and the politics of technologies of visualization," bringing awareness to the danger from such technologies to trans people. Closing out this round-up, I want to give a special shouts out to @aboutDavid for building ~this-month, which lists apps that are shared in our Support Forum's "The Gallery" category so anyone can clearly see what folks there are sharing. If you have Glitch projects you built or love and want us to feature, share them on the forum, tweet them to us @glitch or email [email protected] - You may just end up in our next roundup! ✨
*The project featured in this post's header image is ~march-lions-lambs by @bplmaps 🐑