By Jenn Turner

July 12, 2023

Last month on Glitch, the June 2023 edition

Right now it feels like there is so much going on around the web! It might seem like it’s getting harder to keep track of all of the things, but taking a break is always okay. Studies show that taking frequent breaks in general keeps you more relaxed, more productive, and my personal favorite: more creative. So roll back your shoulders, unclench your jaw, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, and enjoy what the Glitch community created during the month of June.

In case you missed it, way back at the beginning of last month, we gave a makeover, so it could reflect all of the cool, intriguing, and inspiring projects that you—the Glitch community—create! Take a look sometime, you might just see your own app. 😉 Plus, if you’re at all curious about the new Apple Vision Pro, you can start building for the XR future now on Glitch!

Oh! And another thing. Glitch celebrated its seventh birthday recently, making it a Gemini (making the fish, in fact, twins)! Shoutout to those of you who remember it way back when it was HyperDev.

Installable web wins 🏆

One of the least-known, but coolest things about modern web apps is how you can easily install them on your phone or laptop or tablet to run just like any other app. Here are some of the latest glitch apps you might want to install, all based on remixing our ~glitch-hello-installable starter that lets you make apps like this for free:

~mayfly, created by @somi is an ephemeral notepad where your notes last 24 hours…seems like this would be great for venting.

Cool tools 😎

**Games + fun 👾 **

~stupendous-aluminum-citrine, created by @lyzleong is a collection of skies from friends scattered all over the world using spreadsheets to create it!

WebXR and other art! 🖼️

And that’s a wrap on another amazing month for the Glitch community! Follow us across the open social web 🌐

_The project featured in this post’s header image is ~melding, a nicely made clone of the 2048 game created by @AndrewHanson that you can download to your phone right now!