By Jenn Schiffer

February 1, 2021

Last Month on Glitch, the January 2021 edition

January was as long a month as 2020 was a year, but we've finally reached the end. Before we fully dive into this perfectly rectangular February, why not take a look at some of the apps our community created last month?

For a bunch of us, the new year means coming back after a break and having to re-learn how to code, type, speak, etc. Here are some neat utilities that helped me get back in the working groove.

As I stare out my window at over a foot (and counting!) of snow accumulating, I wish I was seeing the above scene, by Niko the Neko, instead. Here are some other works of art and expression our immensely talented community created.

You can count Rowan, creator of ~overly-particular above, among my fantasy roster of Glitch superstars. The following are other miscellaneous superstar apps that inspired me, thrilled me, or made me not hungry anymore.

*The project featured in this post's header image is ~bananaland by @potatowizardtwo 🍌