By Maurice Cherry

November 30, 2018

Home for the Holidays

This Week on Function: Copyrights on YouTube #

On this week's episode of Function, we look into YouTube and copyright infringement with entertainment lawyer Gordon Firemark and YouTuber and musician Paul Davids. Gordon specializes in theatre, film, television, and new media law, and he breaks down how works become copyright, talks about the concept of fair use, and discusses with Anil why a copyright disclaimer could do more harm than good.

Later, Anil speaks with Paul about how YouTube's Content ID system resulted in getting a copyright strike on his own original song. As someone who has been on the other side of this issue, Paul offers a thoughtful and nuanced explanation on his situation that will influence how you think about your work and copyrights.

Listen to the episode below, and subscribe to Function on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you find your favorite shows.

Love, Santa Claus #

Kids all over the world -- including those who are kids at heart -- are busy writing letters to Santa Claus so he knows exactly what gifts to bring when he slides down the chimney on Christmas Eve. Riley Walz created a project called Santa, Mail Me! which lets parents order handwritten, personalized letters from Santa to their children, and a Glitch app is part of the engine behind it!

Riley detailed the entire process on Twitter, which includes connecting to Airtable's API using a Glitch app to manage the orders. It's a really fantastic example of how Glitch can be used to help connect services (and even spread a little holiday cheer).

Feed Your Obsession #

One of my favorite ways to pass the time when I'm waiting in the airport is by researching random topics online. If you have a curious mind and want to dive into some new information, check out randomobsession, an app from Glitch user @elankiderman.

The app pulls from Quartz's daily newsletter called , and every time you click or tap the big red button in the app, you'll be served a new subject to learn about to stimulate your mind. What did you learn about today?

A Year in Review #

Santa's not the only one making a list and checking it twice! A lot of people are making their year-end lists right now, including our own Tiffany Tseng (@scientiffic). Her app includes her favorite books of 2018, but feel free to remix the app for yourself and customize it with your own books (or movies or albums or whatever you'd like).

Pinching Cartoon Cheeks #

When I was a kid, the holidays meant seeing relatives visit from out of town and having them furiously pinch my chubby cheeks. "Oh, you are just so cute that I could eat you up!" It's endearing, sure, but also...pinched cheeks hurt, man. Not cool.

Luckily, Glitch user qwer (@Gumball12) has created an app so you can pinch and stretch the cheeks of the characters from Choose from Gumball, Darwin, or Anaïs and start pinching and stretching. No pain necessary!

Icons at the Disco #

The holidays are also the perfect time for parties and get-togethers. If you need some quick festive cheer for your winter shindig, Glitch user Jonathan Daggerhart (@daggerhart) has you covered.

Abstract Disco! is a disco. And it's abstract. But more than that, it's a grid of randomly flashing colors that you can customize using different emoji and icons. Add a little pop art flair to your next holiday hangout.

Evergreen Evernote #

I jot down ideas and other things in a notes app on my phone all the time. Sometimes, it's easy to find what I'm looking for when I need it, but other times, notes will easily get lost in the shuffle.

If you use Evernote and find yourself in this same situation, Glitch user and IBM engineer Christopher Galtenberg (@galtenberg) created an app which randomly presents new notes from your archive. You will need to remix the app and add your Evernote credentials to get started, but once you've done that, it will help you remember and discover insights you completely forgot about.

This week, we have the illustrations of the talented Conxhita Herrero here on Glitch. Her linework, rich use of color, and eccentric character design give her work a distinct charm.

Take a look at her tiles below on this week's featured apps, and learn more about her at her website.

There's a lot of activity going on this time of year, so we hope this week's roundup of apps helps you with organizing, unwinding, or just having a little fun. 'Tis the season for creativity! What will you make?