By Melissa McEwen

September 20, 2019

Discord Bots Starter Kit: Making your first bot, easy

Our users told us that setting up bots had a bit of a learning curve, so we created a Discord starter bot with an interactive install guide that walks you through every step of the process. Now you can go from idea to bot, faster. It's perfect whether you're a Discord fan who wants to explore the world of bots, an aspiring coder, or both. Through this guide, you'll learn about the tech that makes bots work: APIs, Javascript, Node.js, Botkit, Discord.js and more. But it's only the beginning of your bot journey. This bot was born to remix. Remixing on Glitch means you get your own copy of the bot to customize as you like.

Steph at Glitch remixed our Starter Kit twice to make two new great bots. The first is **Gritty Bot,** and features Gritty, the adorable, scary, hairy Philly Flyers mascot.


Want to bless your Discord server with a Gritty gif? Gritty Bot can do it! NHL stats? Gritty Bot is on it.

Want to start a business? Just ask **Bizbo**t for an idea.

This bot has cool ideas like: “The new hot app is all about fixing the in-law's WiFi. Designed by toddlers for toddlers.” Even if that's not a viable business, the real magic is in the fact that it gets data from a Google Sheet. That means you can add stuff to your bot and nosy people looking at your company will think you're working. And maybe you are.

Bizbot and Gritty Bot are remixable, so you could turn Gritty bot into a Phanatic bot (that's the green muppet-like mascot of the Phillies). More tips for customization are in each bot’s file and code comments.

No matter which bot you choose to remix, let us know what awesome bot creations you’ve made by tweeting your app to @Glitch.