
January 1, 2020

Code Together On Glitch

There are lots of reasons to code alongside someone else, from debugging an error you can’t quite figure out, to getting feedback on a new prototype you’re working on,

But the how can be a challenge. Do you open up a screenshare with your friend? Comment back and forth on pull requests with coworkers? Glitch makes it easy. Send someone an invite to your project and they’ll be instantly transported into your code, where you can work together (think Google doc, but coding in multi-player mode).

Here’s how to invite someone to collaborate on your Glitch project:

Here are just a few of the great ways people use Glitch to code together:

Debugging, together. #

You’re coding away. It looks good. It runs! You’re really in a flow now. You add something. It breaks.

We’ve all been there before. Working on a project, feeling like we’re in the groove, when we hit a bump and we don’t quite know how to solve it.

Searching for the internet for answers is a tried and true method, but nothing is quite as good as working with someone you know and trust to help debug your code. Glitch makes teaming up to code together a cinch—especially if you’re in different locations.

Prototyping #

You just got access to a brand new API and you’re wondering if it’s a good fit for work. So you code up a working demo. It’s singing! Requests zip back and forth across the internet, console log messages flow like a waterfall down your screen. This is something special.

But now you need to share it - not just the front end, but the code, too. Where do you put it? How do you help your team understand how it works and why it’s a good fit? Time for Glitch. Just invite your coworkers to your project, show them your code, and work together on something you can start to fold into your codebase.

Teaching and learning #

A high school introduction to HTML. A Google workshop on machine learning. Onboarding new team members and helping them understand code. There are dozens of ways that people teach and learn on Glitch, but it all starts with a fundamental idea: Code together. And with nearly every company working remotely these days, we've also compiled a mini remote work guide to get your virtual collaboration skills leveled up.

If you're using Glitch to code and have a great use case or pro tip, we want to hear all about it. Shoot us a note so we can share it with the community!